17 junho, 2002

Semana que começa
Para começar uma semana cuja segunda-feira tem jogo do Brasil, vou de Willie Nelson, uma música que na verdade eu conheço na voz do grupo californiano Cake. Sad Songs and Waltzes. A letra é muito legal, bem "sai da fossa" mesmo. Se alguém estiver precisando, recomendo ouvir.
Sad Songs and Waltzes
I'm writing a song all about you.
A true song as real as my tears.
But you've no need to fear it
Cause no one will hear it.
Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.
I'll tell all about how you cheated.
I'd like for the whole world to hear.
I'd like to get even
With you cause you're leavin'.
But sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.

It's a good thing that I'm not a star.
You don't know how lucky you are.
Though my record may say it,
No one will play it.
Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.

It's a good thing that I'm not a star.
You don't know how lucky you are.
Though my record may say it,
No one will play it.
Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.